Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy

During therapy, couples learn how to improve communication, resolve conflict and build intimacy. Our goal is for your relationship to flourish in every area.

We want to help couples feel as comfortable as possible during the therapy process. We understand that counseling, especially couples therapy, may not be something you’re excited about. Many people fear being blamed if they attend marriage counseling or couples therapy. However, our goal is to work together to discuss issues in a constructive manner that achieves positive results.

Many couples feel they experience the same problems over and over. Often, they feel as though nothing is ever resolved. We understand, and we want to help you break these unhealthy cycles.

Great relationships take work. If you are willing to work together as a couple, you can strengthen your relationship to resolve conflict and communicate in a constructive manner.

Be careful not to expect the first few visits to produce immediate results. In many cases, things may be revealed that you previously didn’t fully understand about each other or even about yourself. True progress takes time, but a great marriage is worth the effort!

Call us at 817-723-1210 to see what it’s like, or fill out our Contact Form.

Se habla Español.

“Progress, of the best kind, is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step.” – Samuel Smiles

Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is often an exciting and enjoyable process. It’s a great way to build a strong foundation for your future together and helps reveal expectations each partner may be bringing into the marriage. Premarital counseling enables partners to understand how their own history and one another’s history may impact their partnership going forward.

This type of counseling is meant to increase communication and your ability to resolve conflicts in a positive manner. Topics that are typically covered include finances, intimacy and roles within the marriage. Prepare/Enrich is an assessment tool that is often used in the premarital counseling process. It helps identify strengths within the relationship as well as areas of potential growth.

Sex Therapy

More than half of all couples report some sort of issue with their sex life. Sexual intimacy is one of the most important aspects of your relationship, and it is too important to be ignored.

There are many reasons you may choose to see someone who has experience as a sex therapist. Your sex therapist will be able to address issues using specific sex therapy techniques, combined with exercises and interventions designed specifically for sexual issues. Your sex therapist will take a holistic approach and also address any other issues involved that may be impacting your sexual intimacy.

Call us at 817-723-1210 to see what it’s like, or fill out our Contact Form.

2214 Michigan Ave. Suite C & F
Arlington, TX 76013
(817) 723-1210

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