The I-haves: Immunization against the I-wants

By: Sonja Jackson, LPC

I don’t think that it is just a coincidence that we celebrate Thanksgiving before Christmas. God knew what He was doing. During this time of year, we are bombarded with ad after ad telling us what new electronic gadget or piece of clothing we NEED. And not only that, we can get it at a great price. It is hard not to catch the I-wants, to long for the newest, greatest and best and to find yourself being discontent with that “old thing”, whatever it is. To help prevent ourselves from catching the I-wants, I encourage us get the I-have immunization. Begin now to give thanks for what we have already.

Even if life is full of challenges right now, we have many things for which to be thankful. Think about it. What do you already have? And ultimately who gave it to you? Look around. Do you have a home? Give God thanks for it. How about your family and friends? Give God thanks for them? Are you able to breath? Give God thanks for lungs that work and the air that you can breathe. Everything we have comes for the hand of a good and gracious God. Take time each day this month to write down one thing for which you are thankful.

The post The I-haves: Immunization against the I-wants appeared first on Compassion Counseling.

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